Home   Jr. Kindergarten

Jr. Kindergarten

About our Jr. Kindergarten Program

This class is only available to a select group of children.

It’s a fact, children born December 2nd or later are not eligible for Kindergarten. Regardless of academic or social preparedness, they simply must wait another year before entering Kindergarten. On the other hand, many parents feel that while technically eligible for Kindergarten, their child would benefit from additional exposure to the preschool environment before entering elementary school.

In both instances, these children are often among the oldest and most academically advanced in preschool. In a typical Pre-Kindergarten class, it can be difficult to challenge these students, without leaving the rest of the class behind. This can lead to behavior problems or a general disinterest in learning.

Jr. Kindergarten is a well-structured program with increased academic standards that challenge and keep the interest of these children. In Jr. Kindergarten, we use Kindergarten level programs in a relaxed atmosphere to explore language, writing, mathematics, and science in an enjoyable classroom atmosphere. Our goal within the Jr. Kindergarten program is to address the developmental needs and raise the readiness skills of each child to their fullest potential. This tremendously successful program is only available to a select group of children. Please ask the director to see if your child is eligible.

How do I know if my child is ready

for Jr. Kindergarten

How do I know if my child is ready for Jr. Kindergarten?

If you are unsure whether this program would be a good fit for your child, ask yourself these questions.

Without help, can my child:

· Count to 30?

· Randomly identify the numbers 1 – 10?

· Randomly identify at least 13 letters?

· Write his/her name?

· Socialize well with other children?

If you answered yes to these questions, your child may be a good fit for Jr. Kindergarten. If you answered no, but would like your child to benefit from the extra academic exposure before Kindergarten, please speak to Ms. Yasheva or Ms. Tammy at the front desk. We will let you know if Jr. Kindergarten is possible for your child and provide you with ways to prepare your child to enter this class.

Jr. Kindergarten is also a commitment on the part of the parents. In this class, there are weekly homework assignments, reading bags every other week, and other fun activities that require parent involvement.

Special Events or activities may cause schedule to vary

Jr. Kindergarten Daily Schedule

8:00 – 8:30 “Good Morning”
(Hugs, talking & sharing)
8:30 – 9:00 Morning Recess
9:00 – 9:15 Calendar Time
9:15 – 9:30 Breakfast Snack
(Songs, Weather, Sign Language)
9:30 – 10:00 Math Skills
10:00 – 10:15 Free play with Manipulatives
10:15 – 10:30 Letter Phonics
10:30 – 11:00 Spelling & Phonics
11:00 – 11:30 Recess / P.E.
11:30 – 11:45 Group Reading
11:45 – 12:00 Lunch
12:00 – 2:00 Rest Time
2:00 – 2:15 Wake-up, Tie Shoes, Etc…
2:15 – 2:35 Science (Mon. & Wed.)
Arts & Crafts (Tues. & Thurs.)
Sharing (Fri.)
2:35 – 3:00 Recess / P.E.
3:00 – 3:20 Afternoon Snack
3:20 – 4:00 Spanish (Mon. & Wed.)
4:00 – 6:00 After-school Outside Playtime

Jr. Kindergarten offers so much more!

In Jr. Kindergarten, children feel a sense of pride knowing that they are not just a “preschooler”, but are a special. Children use computers weekly, have extra enrichment classes, and go on fieldtrips. They are given more exposure to academic concepts and the curriculum covers a wider range of subjects. In today’s competitive environment, your child deserves the edge that Jr. Kindergarten will provide.

Click on the link below to Download a copy of our Jr. Kindergarten Brochure.

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